A portrait of my kids, once a week, every week, in 2013.

Joy Dare can be found here
#354 foggy mornings
#355 His loving presence
#356 sharing Kades excitement as he uses his big boy potty
#357 thunder
#358 imagination running wild
#359 friendships
#360 being thankful for unwanted situations
#361 having boundaries
#362 time given to us
#363 time to reflect
#364 crape myrtles blooming
#365 dandelions
#366 painted fingernails
#367 reading chapter books together
#368 necklace given an anniversary gift
#369 the love from my children
#370 Gods presence being shown
#371 living close to a hospital
#372 prayers for health
#373 hazel eyes slowing closing at nap time
#374 infectious laughs#375 speedy checkout at grocery store
#376 His abundant sufficiency
#377 thanksgiving
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