It's Friday and that means its time to link up for InstaFriday!
Ive been slacking lately with my Friday posts. By about 2 or 3 weeks!
So bare with me on all the Instagram pics over the last few weeks.
My user name is moeandmanny if you want to follow!
This big of a mess usually stresses me out but I try to remind myself that one day Ill look back and I'll miss it.
Both of my kids really have a love for books. So thankful.
This happy boy makes my heart so happy.
Aubrey and I went with my sister in law, Danielle, to our first ballet, Coppelia!
It was fantastic and we loved it!!
Playing a game on the computer and of course it was educational! ;)
The weather was really nice for a few days before we got another stinkin cold front.
We took our school outside to do. Its always nice when we can do this. Its a good change.
Now this little baby of mine woke up with 100.2 fever on Thursday and was just as happy as he could be. Granted he was VERY clingy that day. And I was OK with that!
What can I say? Aubrey is creative. Even with her nails! She wanted to do mine like this too but I had to take a pass! :)
Glad somebody likes to help contribute to cleaning around here!
(no caption needed)
This is her hair.Every.Single.Morning!
Anyone else have this problem?
Easter bunny came! This was after he dumped everything out and then threw it all back in.
Dying Easter eggs!
He didn't sleep well again last night, so he came to sleep with us at 5am. I could watch him sleep all day. Its the sweetest thing!
We are having Treys friend come stay the weekend with us and Aubrey is going to stay with her Nan and Pop Pop!
What are your plans this weekend?
Find the Joy Dare here.
#331 fresh eggs
#332 baked brussel sprouts
#333 messy faces
#334 afternoon baths
#335 water colored art work
#336 a happy heart
#337 Aubrey's creativity
#338 rain making ripples in a puddle
#339 sharing Gods word in a gift
#340 peeled oranges
#341 finding the kids snuggled together in my bed watching toons
#342 homemade birthday cards
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