Friday, September 9, 2016



My sweet girl you are nine years old.  It seems like not so long ago I was rocking you to sleep and warming your bottles.  I really miss those precious moments we had when you were a baby. But I am loving our moments we are having together now that you are a big girl, like dates to Starbucks just the two of us.  You're favorite is the double chocolatey chip Frappichino.

You talk my ear off when it's just the two of us and I wouldn't have it any other way.  You share you heart with me and you have so many dreams and I pray that they may all come true one day. Your love of horses is crazy at times and sometimes I laugh because you are so obsessed with them.  I hope that God knows how much you love them and maybe one day he will bless you with many horses to care after.

My prayer for you this year is that you make new friends and deepen the relationship you have with the ones you have now.  I pray that you and I will stay as close as we are now and that you are always open and honest with me.  I pray that you know that your daddy and I love you unconditionally and that your Heavenly Father loves you even more. 

You are my sunshine.

Love Always,

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